Cleanse Prep Day

Receive your juice and soup detox kit from Juice Me Plus Delivery (Contra Costa County residents) or pick up your kit at Health2o. 

Stop solid food mid-day and drink 32 oz. of green detox juice and any combination of root juice, turmeric juice and detox soup.

Drink 64 oz. of green detox juice and enjoy any combination of root juice, turmeric juice and detox soup. 

Come in to Health2o for your first of three scheduled colonics.

Drink 64 oz. of green detox juice and enjoy any combination of root juice, turmeric juice and detox soup. 

Come in to Health2o for your second of three scheduled colonics.

Drink 32 oz. of green detox juice and any combination of root juice, turmeric juice and detox soup. 

Come in to Health2o for your third colonic appointment. Begin gradually eating solid food after your appointment.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3